Programme Officer - Kinship Support

Salary: £24,000 PA

Hours: 36 hours per week

Location: Unit 22, 40 Montgomery Road, Belfast.

The Fostering Network is the UK’s leading fostering charity. We are dedicated to creating a better future for fostered children and young people. We bring together everyone who is involved in their lives, leading, inspiring, motivating and supporting them to make foster care better. Together with our members and supporters we are a powerful catalyst for change, and we’ve been shaping and influencing the fostering agenda for more than 40 years. 

Fri, 05/27/2022 - 10:39 By Neha Shah on May,27th 2022

Independent Review of Children’s Social Care – Final report & recommendations.

Today the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care have published their final report, a set of wide-ranging recommendations and a plan to radically improve the children’s social care system.
A once in a generation opportunity to transform the children’s social care system and provide children with loving, safe and stable families.

Below is the link to the report:
Home - The Independent Review of Children's Social Care (


By Erica Siwo on May,23rd 2022

Trainer Consultant

Salary: £35,000 - £42,021pa Dependent upon experience

Thu, 05/19/2022 - 13:32 By Neha Shah on May,19th 2022

QA Damage to Foster Carer Property and Belongings

In case you missed it! Our Member Helpline team answered one of the most common queries they receive from Foster carers in a QA article - Damage to foster Carer Property and Belongings. The article Covers the following points:

- Who should pay
- What you can do
- What fostering services should do

You can read the whole article in our Foster Carer magazine issue No 183 on the link below:



By Erica Siwo on May,11th 2022

Celebrating our achievements in Wales this Foster Care Fortnight

To mark the start of the Foster Care FortnightTM celebrations, Sarah Thomas – our Director in Wales – shares what she is most looking forward to and how she plans to celebrate our fantastic #FosteringCommunities.

By Anonymous (not verified) on May,10th 2022