Welcome to Foster Care Fortnight 2022!

This is my seventh Foster Care FortnightTM as chief executive of The Fostering Network, and each year I like to kick off the campaign by celebrating all of those involved in fostering for the vital role they play in the lives of children in foster care. 

By Anonymous (not verified) on May,9th 2022

Why men who foster need to support each other

The Fostering Network in Wales has recently produced a resource to help fostering services establish support groups for male foster carers, with a particular focus on newly approved male carers. The resource was written by two experienced male foster carers, with input from several other men. Here, one of the writers explains why they believe the resource – and the support groups – to be so vital.

By Anonymous (not verified) on May,4th 2022

New - Pensions Webinar!

We are pleased to offer you a new webinar brought to you in partnership with The Money Charity.

The presentation will be for 1 hour followed by 15 minutes of Q&A, taking place on Tuesday 07 June 2022 at 10am and will cover the following:
•    deciding the type of retirement you want
•    assessing your current situation
•    understanding pensions
•    seeking financial advice.

By Erica Siwo on April,14th 2022

The Fostering Network calls for national leadership to solve the crisis in fostering

We have seen the difference that clear national leadership has made to adoption in England, with the Adoption Leadership Board and Strategy driving performance improvements and creating clear leadership within the sector. Given that 71 per cent of children in care in England live with foster carers, similar levels of leadership and resource must now be directed to the fostering sector, which is under huge pressure. Our chief executive, Kevin Williams, explains. 

By Kevin Williams on April,12th 2022