Foster carer Dave knows the challenges young people face when leaving care

My name is Dave, I am married with two young children from my second marriage and three older children now all at University from my first marriage. My wife Lisa and I have been fostering now for just over 5 years and during this time we have had numerous placements and have had to deal with the challenges they all bring.
By media on October,8th 2013

Why I am going to Walk the Difference...

I'm Carina, a 19-year-old full time media student and I have long had an interest in fostering, and through my studies I have researched a lot about the care system.
By media on September,24th 2013

Christine tells us why she is walking the difference

My name is Christine and I have been fostering with my husband Peter for 14 years. This October I am going to Walk the Difference through London to raise (hopefully!) loads of money for the Fostering Network.
By Dom-tFN on August,30th 2013

Cyber-bullying, are you prepared?

Cyber-bullying really is one of the dark sides of the internet. It is the use of the internet and technology to deliberately hurt, embarrass and abuse others and can be a one off or recurring. We, as the grown-ups who are responsible for the safety of young people, are in an odd position because we are protecting them from harm on forms of communication that didn’t exist when we grew up.
By Dom-tFN on August,22nd 2013

A foster carer says - "don't move them"

Helen knows from her vast experience a foster carer just how much difference the Fostering Network's Don't Move Me campaign could make to vulnerable young people as they enter the world of independence. She has kindly shared her thoughts with us.<--break->
By Dom-tFN on August,7th 2013

She didn't know she'd made a difference

On the final Saturday of Foster Care Fortnight 2013 Joanne, a foster carer from Scotland, wants to share her story of how she wasn't aware that she had made a difference until she received a surprise through her door.
By Dom-tFN on May,24th 2013