She didn't know she'd made a difference

On the final Saturday of Foster Care Fortnight 2013 Joanne, a foster carer from Scotland, wants to share her story of how she wasn't aware that she had made a difference until she received a surprise through her door.
By Dom-tFN on May,24th 2013

My life in fostering - Richard Field

Richard Field, 37, is a single male gay foster carer who lives in London. Previous to starting fostering, he worked in education 13 years and uses this knowledge to help him better support the children in his care. He has blogged about his fostering experiences for Foster Care Fortnight 2013.
By Dom-tFN on May,21st 2013

Krish Kandiah tells us of the rewards of fostering

Krish Kandiah is a foster carer and Executive Director of the Evangelical Alliance. He has launched the “Home for Good” campaign to encourage Christians to play their part in finding loving homes for all the children in the UK who need one. Through the 15,000 churches the Alliance is touch with he thinks they can go some way to finding the 9,000 more foster carers that are needed.
By Dom-tFN on May,17th 2013