A thank you from our chief executive

Foster carers do a fantastic job transforming the lives of many children and young people that they care for – but foster care also transforms the lives of many foster carers and their families.
By Foster Care Fo… on May,13th 2016

Can't Cook, Could Foster!

You don’t have to be a good cook to foster, revealed children and young people in foster care as part of a new survey conducted by The Fostering Network to mark the start of Foster Care Fortnight 2016 (16-29 May). 

Instead the overwhelming call was for foster carers who can provide them with security, support and love.

By media on May,10th 2016

Tax webinars for foster carers

Foster carers are invited to click on the link on the time they can take part and register for a place:

13 September 2023 at 10.30am - Book a place on this tax and national insurance webinar here.  

13 November 2023 at 7.30pm - Book a place on this tax and national insurance webinar here.  

By media on May,10th 2016

Nominations open for annual fostering awards

The annual Fostering Excellence Awards take place in autumn and they shine a spotlight on the young people, foster carers, social workers and others who make a positive contribution to fostering.

You can nominate someone who you consider to have made an outstanding contribution to foster carer in the following categories:

By media on May,4th 2016

Golden Rules for Teenagers

Following from my last blog about what exactly a teenager is, let’s look at the basic dos and don’ts – the golden rules – for managing pre-teen and early teen behaviour.

By Cathy Glass on May,4th 2016

Wellbeing of Children in Care Threatened By Cuts, Charity Warns

The survey, CUTS - the view from foster carers (England):  the impact of austerity measures on fostered children and the families that care for them, carried out in February 2016, highlighted the negative impact of local authority budget cuts in a number of areas, including practical and financial support for foster carers, children’s access to their social workers and other services, especially mental health services.  

By media on April,12th 2016

Response to release of educational outcomes for children looked after

“While we cannot expect dramatic and immediate change in educational outcomes for young people in care, it is positive to see a consistent improvement over time. There is clearly still a long way to go, but we know that being in foster care can improve educational outcomes; University of Oxford research (2015) showed that educational outcomes are higher for fostered children compared with those living on the edge of care.

By media on March,24th 2016

Scottish higher education pledge applauded

Sara Lurie, director of The Fostering Network Scotland, said: ‘Scotland is taking a progressive stance when it comes to the higher education of care experienced young people, and we must say that this is a positive step in the right direction.

‘While over time more must be done to narrow the inequality gap in education between children in care and their peers at all levels of education, giving those children and young people a tangible and realistic goal to aim for will inspire many to go on to higher education.

By media on March,22nd 2016