
Most of us have looked after a child who is continually on guard and on the look out for danger. Even when you think they are relaxed watching television or reading, they are suddenly out of their chair, eyes wide and on the alert. Sometimes as a result of a slight noise, while at other times you may have heard nothing. They are agitated, may sweat, and their breath comes fast and shallow. If you were to take their pulse it would be racing. This can be as a result of what is known as hypervigilance.
By Cathy Glass on March,7th 2016

Panel Vision

Today we had our last information gathering session with Stef, our assessor. Next week she’ll have the first draft of the Form F for us to look at and comment on. It feels like we’re coming to the end of something, but I know that it is in fact the start line we’re approaching. There is a huge blank canvas stretching before us and I am at once excited and terrified.
By Lucy Stevens on March,3rd 2016

Activities for kinship foster carers and foster carers in Northern Ireland

We are offering kinship foster carers from each of the Health and Social Care Trusts the opportunity to participate in a one night residential with a focus on improving health and well-being in a relaxed environment. Attendees will also have the opportunity to gain an OCN Level 1 Award in Healthy Living.

By media on February,18th 2016

Keep connected contact campaign launched with new research

The report, Keep Connected: Maintaining Relationships When Moving On, part of the charity’s campaign of the same name, spoke to over 175 children and young people, and over 1,100 foster carers. 

A survey of young people showed:

By media on February,3rd 2016

Welsh Government strategy for educational attainment welcomed

The strategy will support foster carers to better understand how the education system works, and to feel better equipped to engage, support, and educationally challenge the children young people in their care. It also calls for foster carers to be viewed as an equal part of the team around the child to ensure they are able to support the ambitions and aspirations of the children in their care.

The strategy is supported by a detailed action plan and the Welsh Government will monitor delivery against the plan on an annual basis.

By media on February,1st 2016

Nominations open for fostering awards in Northern Ireland

The prestigious event will take place in the Hilton Hotel, Belfast on Friday 20 May 2016. Each year these awards recognise and celebrate the contribution individual foster carers and kinship foster carers make towards the lives of children in foster care.

By media on February,1st 2016

Charity calls on Government to support local authorities to meet the needs of unaccompanied children

Following an announcement by the Government that unaccompanied asylum seeking children will be brought to the UK, Kevin Williams, chief executive of The Fostering Network, said: “This move will provide safety and security for children, and foster care has a massive role to play. We call upon the Government to ensure that local authorities are properly resourced to meet the challenge that they have set.

By media on January,28th 2016