Flower girl

Throughout Sons and Daughters Month this October we will be hearing from sons and daughters of foster carers as they share their experiences of growing up in a fostering household. In this blog Nicola tells us of the close bond she has built with her foster sister even though Nicola has long since moved out of her parents' 

By DavidEggboro on October,6th 2016

Disliked By Your Child?

Ever had the feeling your child doesn’t like you? Don’t worry most parents and carers have at some time. Being disliked by your child is a healthy part of growing up and a sign (believe it or not) of good parenting.
By Cathy Glass on October,4th 2016

September campaigns update

Welcome to another edition of the campaigns blog, with Robert Cann, campaigns officer at The Fostering Network.
By Policy and Cam… on September,30th 2016

Response to latest looked after children statistics for England

Responding to the latest looked after children statistics from the Department for Education in England, Jackie Sanders, director of policy at The Fostering Network, said: ‘Having campaigned for a change in legislation to allow fostered young people to stay living with their foster carers until the age of 21, we are pleased that these latest figures show a continued rise in young people “staying put”. However, there is still plenty of room for growth.

By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on September,29th 2016

Awards celebrate fostering excellence

Foster carers, their sons and daughters and care experienced young people are among the worthy winners at this year’s Fostering Excellence Awards, run by leading charity The Fostering Network.

The Fostering Excellence Awards, supported by bed specialists Dreams, are the UK's leading foster care awards, and celebrate excellence and outstanding achievement in fostering. Awards are presented to foster carers, their sons and daughters and social workers for their outstanding contributions to foster care, as well as to care experienced young people for their achievements.

By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on September,23rd 2016

Fostering Achievement Awards in Belfast - the sky’s the limit for children and young people in care

More than 50 children and young people in care were commended for aiming high as they joined the Belfast HSC Trust fostering service and The Fostering Network Northern Ireland at the annual Fostering Achievement Awards in Belfast at the weekend. 

It is the sixth year that the awards have been held in recognition of academic, musical, sporting and social achievements of children and young people who are in foster care.  

By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on September,23rd 2016

Comment on The Children's Society 'Cost of Being Care-Free' report

Kevin Williams, chief executive of The Fostering Network, said: ‘The Fostering Network has, for many years, been concerned that young people who are leaving care are not sufficiently prepared for independence. Therefore, we welcome The Children’s Society report, The Cost of Being Care-Free, and particularly the call for financial better education for young people in care.

By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on September,15th 2016