How do we get more male foster carers?

Professor Claire Cameron and Katie Hollingworth (Twitter - @IOE_TCRU) work at the Thomas Coram Research Unit and specialise in research studies of children in care, foster care, and young people leaving care. Here they explain about a project they are undertaking to explore how to recruit more men to become foster carers.

By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on April,8th 2017

With the right support we can do so much more

Sarah Jones is a foster carer with Foster Swansea and a foster carer ambassador with The Fostering Network. Sarah was invited to speak at the National Fostering Framework conference in March. In this blog Sarah shares the key parts of her speech.

By DavidEggboro on April,3rd 2017

No Good Options report - our response

Responding to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children (APPGC) report, No Good Options, which brings together information gathered through their inquiry, Kevin Williams, chief executive of The Fostering Network, said: 'We welcome the publication of this report for which we submitted written and oral evidence based on the results of a UK-wide survey of foster carers on the impact of funding cuts to local authority budgets.

By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on March,21st 2017

Mockingbird programme to be expanded as a result of further funding

The Fostering Network is delighted to have been successful in securing further funding for the next phase of the pioneering Mockingbird programme.

An additional £3.76m has been allocated from the Department for Education’s Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme to work with new partners as well as testing additional innovations to the model.

By Rochelle Bisson on March,20th 2017

BBC NI Appeal: Dianne's Story

Foster carer Dianne features in our new BBC appeal that aired on Northern Ireland television today. The film called for more people to consider fostering and change the lives of more children in care. It also looked at Step Up Step Down, which is a pioneering project, run by The Fostering Network in partnership with the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust and funded by the Big Lottery, aiming to prevent children who are on the periphery of the care system from being taken into care. Dianne tells us more about her work with Step Up Step Down and her experiences being a foster carer.

By Rochelle Bisson on March,15th 2017

BBC NI Appeal: Joseph's story

Joseph is a 23-year-old care leaver who features in The Fostering Network’s new BBC appeal calling for more people to consider becoming foster carers. The appeal will air in Northern Ireland on BBC One at 3.45pm during Community Life. In preparation for the appeal, we asked Joseph to expand on his transformative experience of foster care.

By Rochelle Bisson on March,15th 2017

Muslim Fostering Project Launched at Charity Gala

An innovative project to encourage and support more Muslims to become foster carers was launched last night at a charity gala dinner.

The event raised funds for the new Muslim Fostering Project and was hosted by the Better Community Business Network (BCBN), a Muslim-led organisation that identifies and supports worthwhile community projects. The Muslim Fostering Project will be established and run by the UK’s leading fostering charity, The Fostering Network, and the prominent community development charity, Mercy Mission UK.

By DavidEggboro on March,14th 2017