
Capacity in foster care: Sufficiency and foster carer approval

The Fostering Network has a proven track record in supporting foster carers and fostering services. The Fostering Services Benchmark Survey(first collated in 2013) has proved to be an invaluable tool in assisting fostering services to focus on the recruitment and retention of foster carers in a time of economic austerity and changing demands of the types of foster placements needed.

Fri, 09/01/2017 - 13:54 By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on September,1st 2017

DBS checks in fostering (England)

Key points to consider

Fostering services are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of children they look after in foster care, therefore all appropriate checks during the assessment and approval of foster carers, including other adult household members and where appropriate support carers, must be given the utmost  priority and completed to the highest standards.

Tue, 07/18/2017 - 15:19 By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on July,18th 2017

Fostering legislation in England

Please use the drop down list to access details of key primary legislation, regulations, national minimum standards and guidance relating to fostering and foster care in England.

Key legislation impacting on fostering

Children Act 1989 This is the primary legislation governing looked after children and fostering services.

Mon, 01/04/2016 - 16:28 By admin on January,4th 2016

Independent support services

Delivering a service that meets your needs

Independent support services can be provided for your foster carers in a variety of ways.

In England, this is through our advice and mediation and independent support services.

In Wales, this is through our independent support service.

Fri, 12/18/2015 - 15:56 By admin on December,18th 2015

Exemptions in England

In general, any individual in England who wishes to be registered to care for four or more unrelated looked after children is required to register as a children’s home. Registration as a foster carer usually limits the number of unrelated children who can be cared for at any one time to three.

Thu, 12/17/2015 - 11:53 By admin on December,17th 2015

Long-term fostering in England

Across England, thousands of children live with their foster carers for many years. However, until 2015 long-term fostering had no legal status. The Fostering Network believes that the changes introduced in 2015 are very helpful in terms of introducing a consistent definition of long-term foster care placements across England, and in setting out the key steps and commitments involved for all parties. The changes rightly strengthen the importance of foster care as a permanence option for children and young people in care. 

Thu, 12/17/2015 - 11:51 By admin on December,17th 2015

Our work in England

Membership team

Our membership team is on hand to answer queries about your membership via membership@fostering.net or 020 7620 6440. We also have a team of membership officers based regionally to offer support to our members across England.

Mon, 12/14/2015 - 17:57 By admin on December,14th 2015