Staying Put

The implementation of the Children and Families Act 2014, part 5 Welfare of Children (98) means that local authorities in England are required to facilitate, monitor and support staying put arrangements for fostered young people until they reach the age of 21, where this is what they and their foster carers want unless the local authority considers that the staying put arrangement is not consistent with the welfare of the young person.

Mon, 01/04/2016 - 11:59 By admin on January,4th 2016

Fostering and smoking

The risks of passive smoking to health, particularly children’s health, are well known. As an organisation that supports adults to care for children, The Fostering Network’s position is that adults in a caring role should not smoke. There may be exceptions where an existing relationship outweighs the health risks to the child, for example within kinship, family and friends care; in these circumstances a cessation plan should be in place to enable the best possible care for all children.

Mon, 01/04/2016 - 11:45 By admin on January,4th 2016

Exemptions in England

In general, any individual in England who wishes to be registered to care for four or more unrelated looked after children is required to register as a children’s home. Registration as a foster carer usually limits the number of unrelated children who can be cared for at any one time to three.

Thu, 12/17/2015 - 11:53 By admin on December,17th 2015

Long-term fostering in England

Across England, thousands of children live with their foster carers for many years. However, until 2015 long-term fostering had no legal status. The Fostering Network believes that the changes introduced in 2015 are very helpful in terms of introducing a consistent definition of long-term foster care placements across England, and in setting out the key steps and commitments involved for all parties. The changes rightly strengthen the importance of foster care as a permanence option for children and young people in care. 

Thu, 12/17/2015 - 11:51 By admin on December,17th 2015

Practice support

The Practice Support Team in England

The Practice Support Team is the cornerstone of The Fostering Network’s membership offer to fostering services in England, providing specialist practice support and expertise.

Thu, 12/17/2015 - 11:06 By admin on December,17th 2015