The 4R's - Regulate, Relate, Reason, Repair

This free workshop is funded by Fostering Attainment and Achievement and is for foster carers and kinship carers in Northern Ireland only. 

Start time
End time
Girdwood Community Hub, Belfast

This three-hour workshop will introduce an amalgamation of the pioneering work of Dr Bruce Perry, Dr Dan Hughes (P.A.C.E.) and Louise Bomber in helping carers and children to regulate, relate, reason and repair. 

This is an interactive session that will equip carers with practical strategies for foster carers to develop a toolkit for home and for school. 

The session will be facilitated by June Onyekwelu who has lived experience of children who are looked after in residential care and foster care. June has been delivering attachment and trauma training to foster carers, residential teams and professionals for over 10 years. 

To book your free place email Kellie Long.

Event Type
Training events and workshops
Registration cost
Registration email(s)