foster care fortnight

Care About Food

Dr Patricia Mucavele is Head of Nutrition at the Children’s Food Trust - a charity which supports anyone who provides food for children by sharing skills and knowledge from nutrition professionals to give them the confidence to cook tasty, healthy meals from scratch.
By Foster Care Fo… on May,16th 2016

Making a difference

Richard is a single male gay foster carer who lives in London. This blog post was submittd some time back, but the messages undoubtedly remain the same.
By Foster Care Fo… on June,10th 2015

How Fostering Achievement changes lives in Northern Ireland

The Fostering Network Northern Ireland is extremely proud to be making a huge difference to children by delivering the Fostering Achievement Scheme on behalf of the Health and Social Care Board and the Department of Education for Northern Ireland. This scheme works with foster carers as primary educators to provide educational support and resources to looked after children in foster care.
By Foster Care Fo… on June,5th 2015

Community round-up #96

Hello and welcome to the latest community round up blog. It’s been a bit quiet on here over the last few days so we thought we’d use the round-up blog as a chance to highlight how you can be part of Foster Care Fortnight™ 2015.

This Monday marks the start of Foster Care Fortnight™, the UK’s biggest foster care awareness raising campaign celebrating the lives of children and young people in foster care, care leavers, and foster carers and their families.

By Aby Wojcik on May,29th 2015

Attracting and Keeping Carers - April 2014

I start this month’s blog the day after April Fools’ Day, so rest assured that this month’s AKC blog is wind-up free… although I'm sure some will beg to differ!
By James Foyle on April,14th 2014

Lorraine Pascale gets in the frame

"Foster Care Fortnight is a time to reflect. For me it’s a time to think about the first went in to care when I was 8 years old.
By Dom-tFN on May,13th 2013