Media releases

  • ​A growing number of new fostering families is needed during 2016 to ensure the provision of stable, secure and loving homes for the record number of fostered children in the UK, according to figures published today by The Fostering Network.

  • The Fostering Network welcomes the appointment of TV’s Debbie Douglas, and her daughter Lydia Bright, to the role of Government Fostering Ambassador in England. Debbie and Lydia are best known as being stars of The Only Way is Essex.

    Debbie, and her partner David Bright, have been fostering for 22 years and also have four birth children, including Lydia.

  • We would like to congratulate five members of The Fostering Network who have received New Year honours.

  • In response to the news that The Fostering Network has received increased funding for the next three years from the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Social Services Third Sector Grant, Dr Emily Warren, director of The Fostering Network Wales, said: ‘We are delighted to have received new core funding from the Welsh Government.

  • Please see below for details of when The Fostering Network’s help and advice lines are closed over the Christmas period.

  • In response to the news that The Fostering Network has received funding from The Scottish Government’s Children, Young People and Families Early Intervention and Adult Learning and Empowering Communities Fund, Sara Lurie, director of The Fostering Network Scotland, said: ‘We are delighted to have received new core funding from the Scottish Government.

  • Kevin Williams, chief executive of The Fostering Network, said in response to an opinion piece published in The Times* and written by Alice Thomson: 

  • Kevin Williams, chief executive of The Fostering Network, said in response to the publication of research from the University of Lancaster: “We know that when some people who become parents are not provided with appropriate support, then there is a huge risk that their children will become subject to care proceedings. It is especially vital that people who have already had a child taken into care receive support that meets their individual needs to ensure that their risk of becoming pregnant, until they are in a position to best support a child, is reduced.

  • The Fostering Network in Wales has published a new resource aimed at answering questions regarding the implementation of When I am Ready amendment, part of Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act, which comes into force in April 2016.

  • Kevin Williams, chief executive of The Fostering Network, says in response to the release of today’s Ofsted figures on children in foster care: “The Fostering Network believes that with a rising number of children coming into foster care, and a reduction in the number of fostering households, the Government in Westminster cannot continue to promote its hierarchy of care which has seen major investment in adoption while fostering has received little.