Family and friends

Kinship care (England)

This information page provides an overview of work with kinship carers in England, and outlines the five main ways in which arrangements are made and monitored:

Tue, 02/19/2019 - 15:25 By admin on February,19th 2019

Family and friends foster care (England)

Assessment, approval and support 

Family and friends foster carers are approved local authority foster carers who have been assessed in relation to their suitability to care for a named child or named children only, and this should be reflected in the terms of their approval. However the fostering assessment should follow the two stage process outlined in the fostering regulations and statutory guidance Assessment and Approval of foster carers.

Wed, 02/13/2019 - 15:55 By admin on February,13th 2019

Kinship care


The following principles apply in terms of kinship care throughout the UK:

Wed, 02/13/2019 - 14:55 By admin on February,13th 2019