Fees and Allowances

Allowances surveys

What are foster care allowances?

All foster carers receive a weekly fostering allowance from their fostering service when they have a child living with them, which is designed to cover the cost of caring for a child in foster care. This includes food, clothes, toiletries, travel and all other expenses incurred and varies depending on the age of the child.

Fri, 01/17/2020 - 12:26 By Daisy Elliott on January,17th 2020

Claiming benefits - advice for members

As a foster carer you may be entitled to claim benefits and tax credits. The allowances and fee (if you get one) you receive from fostering are normally completely disregarded as income or only taxable profit from your fostering is taken into consideration for the purposes of calculating your entitlement to benefits.

Wed, 03/30/2016 - 11:22 By Jac Arnold on March,30th 2016

Foster carer fees

Foster carers should be provided with adequate fee payments to recognise their time, skills and experience. 

Whilst all foster carers receive an allowance to cover the costs of caring for a child in foster care. There is no requirement for fostering services to provide foster carers with a fee. As a result, some foster carers receive no fee payment, and for those who do, the levels are often low.  

Tue, 12/15/2015 - 14:25 By admin on December,15th 2015

Fostering allowances

What are allowances?

All foster carers receive a weekly fostering allowance from their fostering service when they have a child living with them, which is designed to cover the cost of caring for a child in foster care. This includes food, clothes, toiletries, travel and all other expenses incurred and varies depending on the age of the child.

Tue, 12/15/2015 - 14:20 By admin on December,15th 2015

Fees and allowances


All foster carers receive a weekly fostering allowance which is designed to cover the cost of caring for a fostered child. This should cover food, clothes, toiletries and all other expenses incurred in looking after a fostered child.  

Tue, 12/15/2015 - 13:20 By admin on December,15th 2015