legislation and regulations

Fostering legislation in England

Please use the drop down list to access details of key primary legislation, regulations, national minimum standards and guidance relating to fostering and foster care in England.

Key legislation impacting on fostering

Children Act 1989 This is the primary legislation governing looked after children and fostering services.

Mon, 01/04/2016 - 16:28 By admin on January,4th 2016

Fostering legislation in Wales

During the evolution of Welsh Government legislative powers, there is currently no single source or site providing a comprehensive collection of all current UK and Welsh legislation, guidance or resources; however, the following may be useful: 

Mon, 01/04/2016 - 10:28 By admin on January,4th 2016

Fostering legislation in Northern Ireland

The information we have provided below is a starting point to the legislation and guidance relating to children and young people in foster care in Northern Ireland, rather than a comprehensive list.


The legislative framework for Northern Ireland's child protection system is set out in The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995. This sets out parental responsibilities and rights and the duties and powers public authorities have to support children.

Wed, 12/23/2015 - 10:47 By admin on December,23rd 2015

Fostering legislation in Scotland

The Children’s Hearings System

The Children’s Hearings System is the care and justice system for Scotland’s children and young people up until the age of 16 (for some children, until 18). Children and young people are referred to the children’s reporter (Scottish Children's Reporter Administration 'SCRA') because some aspect of their life is causing concern.

Thu, 12/17/2015 - 12:01 By admin on December,17th 2015