
Hello and welcome to the latest community round up blog. It’s been a bit quiet on here over the last few days so we thought we’d use the round-up blog as a chance to highlight how you can be part of Foster Care Fortnight™ 2015.

This Monday marks the start of Foster Care Fortnight™, the UK’s biggest foster care awareness raising campaign celebrating the lives of children and young people in foster care, care leavers, and foster carers and their families.

By Aby Wojcik on May 29th, 2015
Welcome to the fourth edition of our Head, Heart, Hands newsletter.
By Freya Burley on May 27th, 2015
This time last year, Foster Care Fortnight™ was done and dusted. But due to the five-year election cycle in the UK, we are yet to begin. With just under a week to go though, all your planning will hopefully be on the cusp of coming into fruition.
By James Foyle on May 20th, 2015

Good morning members.​ Foster Care Fortnight (1 – 14 June) is just around the corner. From taking part in a Foster Walk to taking a #FCF2015 selfie and sharing it on social media – there are lots of different ways you can take part and help raise awareness of and celebrate the wonderful work foster carers like you do every day.

By Aby Wojcik on May 15th, 2015
Many of the children who come into foster care have never had regular mealtimes, sat at a dining table, or know how to use cutlery. As foster carers we appreciate mealtimes are important, but why?
By Cathy Glass on May 5th, 2015
Good afternoon members. I hope you’re looking forward to the Bank Holiday weekend. Some of you might be wracking your brains to find things to do to entertain the family. If this describes how you’re feeling right now, check out the discounts our members get on top attractions.
By Aby Wojcik on May 1st, 2015
This month’s blog begins with a quick look back to a busy end to the last financial year. The Fostering Network, alongside over 200 delegates from a range of fostering services in England and Wales, were in Manchester at the Recruitment and Retention Showcase hosted by the Department for Education (DfE’s). Presentations on the day came from fostering services involved in the department’s Fostering Consortia project and our own Supporting fostering services to recruit more foster carers. The Fostering Network has produced a directory on behalf of the DfE containing case studies of some of the actions undertaken for services to see how they can be implemented locally.
By James Foyle on April 20th, 2015
Good afternoon members, hope you've all recovered from the Easter break and have been able to enjoy the sunny weather many parts of the country are experiencing.
By Aby Wojcik on April 16th, 2015
Since the publication of my most recent book, Saving Danny, in which I used a number of strategies for managing Danny’s behaviour, including the closed choice, I have received many emails from readers saying they’d tried the closed choice and were amazed at how successful it was.
By Cathy Glass on April 10th, 2015
Welcome to the third edition of our Head, Heart, Hands newsletter.
By Freya Burley on April 8th, 2015