Stable Homes Built on Love - One Year Later

Friday 2 February 2024 marked a year since the government’s publication of Stable Homes Built on Love (SHBL). The strategy sets out the government’s plans for reforming children’s social care in England. It was released as a response to the recommendations from multiple high-profile reviews produced in 2022 on children’s social care, including those in the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care, led by Josh MacAlister. See our responses to the review.  

By IsobelMintz on February,19th 2024

Care leavers celebrated during #NCLW and #TickTheBox

At the end of October we celebrated National Care Leavers week to help raise awareness of the challenges young people face when they leave the care system. Chief executive at The Fostering Network, Sarah Thomas, summarises some of the events that took place to support NCLW, including our annual #TickTheBox campaign.

By JasmineR on November,14th 2023