What does the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care in Northern Ireland mean for fostering?

On 21 June 2023 Professor Ray Jones published his final report as Chair of the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care in Northern Ireland. The report sets out a plan to transform children’s services through a whole scale reconfiguration of children’s trusts and the creation of a new Northern Ireland wide independent agency. It also made some key recommendations on foster care to which The Fostering Network contributed, which Kathleen Toner, director for Northern Ireland will explore in this blog.

By kathleen.toner… on July,24th 2023

‘The world is a scary place and siblings need each other’

Roseanne, Beverley and Katherine spent a year in foster care, but unlike some fostered siblings they weren’t separated. More than two decades later, the three sisters explain the hugely positive impact being fostered together has had on them throughout their lives, and why it’s vital siblings must remain together in foster care.

By JasmineR on June,14th 2023

Foster care celebrated at Number 10

It’s fair to say that Foster Care Fortnight™ 2023 has been our biggest yet! We kickstarted the two weeks with the first ever fostering event at 10 Downing Street, celebrating fostering and hearing speeches from Mockingbird hub home carers. 

Foster carers had real conversations with the Secretary of State for Education, Gillian Keegan, and Claire Coutinho, Minister for Children, Families and Wellbeing, about what changes are needed to improve foster care. This blog includes reflections from Eddie, Jim and Mike who came to the event. 

By Daisy Elliott on June,5th 2023

Exploring how children of foster carers make sense of family

Bethany Shelton is a project worker at The Fostering Network for our Moving On project. She is also the daughter of foster carers and carried out research whilst at university exploring how other children of foster carers make sense of family. This research was recently published in the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, and Bethany shares an extract of it with us.

By louiseventon on May,22nd 2023

Foster Care Fortnight 2023 - a message from our director in Northern Ireland

As we approach the end of  Foster Care Fortnight™ 2023, our director for Northern Ireland, Kathleen Toner, shares her message for foster carers, the impact they have on children and young people and importantly, calls for more people to join our #FosteringCommunities. 

By louiseventon on May,15th 2023