A great success, but there's so much more to do

Sometimes I think I struggle to feel satisfied. When it comes to issues relating to fostering I always want things to be better. That’s what motivates me in my role at The Fostering Network. Occasionally, however, it’s good to take time to celebrate a success. That’s what I’ll be doing (at least for a couple of days) over Christmas as I reflect on the fact that, thanks to a campaign that The Fostering Network has led, fostered children in England who are aged three or four will be able to access the additional 15 hours free childcare that so many of their peers are already able to make use of.

By Kevin Williams on December,20th 2017

The Wexsteen Chronicles

How two care experienced sisters shot for the moon with their very own fashion brand.

This Christmas, The Fostering Network is delighted to be collaborating with Wexbaby, a clothing line that uses fun art concepts to put a smile on children’s faces. Founders Ettie and Sally Wexsteen speak about their experiences in foster care and how they made their dreams come true.

By N B Lakhani on December,12th 2017

Before the first arrival

Are you a newly approved foster carer and waiting for your first arrival? Here are some top tips for you from experienced carers!

By N B Lakhani on December,6th 2017

Mockingbird: A new way to foster

Mockingbird is an innovative programme for delivering foster care which can bring significant benefits to the lives of fostered children and those who look after them. Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council has been part of the programme since its inception in 2015.

By DavidEggboro on November,30th 2017

Access to free childcare campaign update

We’ve had an excellent start to our access to free childcare campaign. Since launching it last week with a letter printed in the Guardian signed by 12 other organisations, we have had an unprecedented response from people lending their support to the cause. It really is scandalous how fostered children in England have been so explicitly excluded from the extra 15 hours of free childcare, but we’re determined to reverse this decision!

By Policy and Cam… on November,15th 2017

Campaigns Blog November 2017

The nights are drawing in but we never stop campaigning to improve foster care! Welcome to the latest campaigns blog.

By Policy and Cam… on November,10th 2017

We must improve the mental health of OUR looked after children and young people

[This blog by our chief executive, Kevin Williams, first appeared on Huffington Post.] One of the biggest changes in working with looked after children over the 30 or so years that I have been working within the sector is the recognition that we must take their mental health as seriously as their physical health. This is a hugely welcome change and one that I have personally been very passionate about. That's why, when I was asked to sit on the Department for Education's expert working group with a focus on looked after children and mental health and wellbeing in England, I jumped at the chance.

By Kevin Williams on November,8th 2017

What about the kids?

My children were nine and seven when we started fostering. Like anyone who decides to foster, I was worried about the impact our decision might have on our family but particularly on my children.

By Lucy Stevens on October,16th 2017