Covering all ground – insuring your home as a foster carer

Things can get a little tricky when it comes to home insurance for foster carers. This is especially the case when it comes to making claims, particularly for intentional damage. Having the right home insurance is vital for peace of mind.
By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on March,6th 2018

Moon landing (part 2)

The second part of a blog descibing how alien a new foster family in a new country can be and how that feeling can be overcome with love, teamwork and perseverence.

By Lucy Stevens on February,28th 2018

Campaigns update February 2018

Time flies! It’s been a busy start to the year for the campaigns and policy team, and hard to believe we’re at the end of February already. A new year has also brought with it a new Children’s Minister in England, so it’s all change at the Department for Education.

By Policy and Cam… on February,27th 2018

Turning the corner by Cathy Glass

Having blogged for many years about fostering and raising children I have more recently looked at ways in which adults and young people can achieve happiness and contentment. Last time we looked at different types of anger and being able to let go of it. In this blog I would like to go more deeply into how we can turn the corner and move on with life after a negative experience.
By Cathy Glass on February,22nd 2018

Award winning sons and daughters

Foster carers’ children are a vital part of many fostering families. We spoke to the winners of our 2017 Outstanding Contribution by Sons and Daughters Award to find out why they love being a part of their fostering family and what it was like winning a national award.
By N B Lakhani on February,16th 2018

Moon landing (part 1)

I’ve often thought that, for our foster son, coming to live with us must have been like being plucked from his bed and finding himself firmly ensconced on the moon. This is not because we are particularly strange per se but because of all the foreignness we came wrapped in.

By Lucy Stevens on February,14th 2018

Fostering stocktake - an opportunity missed

Following today’s publication of the Department for Education’s fostering stocktake report, based on a year of evidence gathering by Sir Martin Narey and Mark Owers, Kevin Williams, chief executive of The Fostering Network, said:

By DavidEggboro on February,6th 2018

Children's Mental Health Week - a vital issue all year round

A blog from our chief executive, Kevin Williams.

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week. I know that holding special weeks to shine a spotlight on a particular issue is really important – indeed, at The Fostering Network we organise and deliver Foster Care Fortnight! – but I hope we all agree that the mental health of children is such a vital issue we must not allow the focus on it to dissipate after this week.

By Kevin Williams on February,6th 2018