We are proud to be the essential network for fostering in Wales.
We offer a range of services, training and innovative projects to support our members. We also work to improve the wider fostering sector.
Here are some of the ways we make a positive impact on foster care in Wales:
Advice, information and training
- Fosterline Wales
Our advice line provides information, guidance and support on all issues affecting fostering services and foster carers in Wales. Call us on 0800 316 7664 or email us on fosterlineswales@fostering.net. We are open from 9.30am - 12.30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays). Fosterline Wales is funded by the Welsh Government. You can speak to someone in English or in Welsh.
- Training
We offer a webinar programme for foster carers, as well as Wales specific updates for the sector. For more information, or to be added to our email list, please contact wales@fostering.net
Fostering services across Wales can also commission training from us. We can provide individual or packages of courses on a variety of topics to meet your service’s needs. Our in-service training can be tailored to benefit all professionals in the team around the child, while our open courses equip individuals in your team with the knowledge they need to enhance their role.
For more information about our training offer, please email us.
- Independent support
Independent support can be vital for foster carers when they are facing allegations or other disputes. The Fostering Network can provide independent support to foster carers, via their fostering service, through a variety of offers across the UK.
Visit our independent support page
Our projects and programmes
We run a number of innovative projects and programmes across Wales, each with the aim of growing and sharing evidence-based practice.
We also work with other organisations, researchers and Welsh Government to provide them access to foster carers’ views and experiences.
- Fostering Wellbeing
Fostering Wellbeing is an innovative programme, funded by Welsh Government and delivered by The Fostering Network, which aims to improve wellbeing outcomes for children and young people.
The programme promotes an equality of status for everyone involved in the ‘team around the child’, including foster carers. It encourages professionals to work together with a joint approach, creating a shared language and allowing best practice to move across service boundaries.
Find out more about our Fostering Wellbeing programme
- Step Up Step Down
Step Up Step Down launched in Wales in 2023, with Pembrokeshire being the first local authority to pilot the programme. A second local authority will join the pilot shortly. Supported by the KPMG Foundation and Welsh Government, the programme offers an opportunity to dramatically improve outcomes for families with children on the edge of care. We will be using this pilot to demonstrate whether Step Up Step Down can bring significant benefits across Wales.
Find out more about Step Up Step Down
- Thrive magazine
Thrive is our bilingual magazine for young people living in foster care. Each edition provides information and guidance on issues which matter to young people, such as their rights in care, education, mental health and money.
Encouraging participation
- Foster carer advisory board
This board brings together foster carers and kinship carers with other care professionals to help to shape, improve, and build a stronger fostering sector across Wales.
Among other things, the board:
- provides information, advice, and support to The Fostering Network in Wales on current programmes of work including campaigns and policy work
- ensures the voice of foster carers is represented within fostering practice and policy development
- shares learning, information, and support with the local and national fostering community
- encourages peer support and networking.
For more information about the board, please email us.
- Young person’s advisory board
This board brings together young people (aged 14 and over) who have care experience. It provides a relationship-based and meaningful co-production space for young people to inform and guide The Fostering Network’s work. Find our more.
If you are interested in joining the board, please email Alexandra Atkins, Fostering Communities Manager.
- Fostering services forum
The Fostering Network facilitates regular meetings of the fostering services forum. This provides an opportunity for us to consult with the sector and keep them abreast of developments within The Fostering Network and the wider fostering sector.
For further information contact wales@fostering.net
Influencing decision-makers
The Fostering Network influences local and national decision and policy makers in Wales to improve the lives of children and young people in foster care.