The revised Personal Education Plans (PEPs)

The Personal Education Planning meeting was revised and relaunched in 2023. This online workshop is for foster carers who reside in Northern Ireland.

Start time
End time
Online via Zoom

This workshop will explore the new approach, from a trauma-informed perspective, which aims to bring key information and people together to help effectively identify and support the needs of children who are Looked After throughout their school education. It will consider when these meetings should take place, who should be involved, how children who are Looked After can be supported to engage in meetings about them and how this can lead to make an impact for real change. The workshop will give foster and kinship carers opportunity to explore how they can prepare for PEP meetings and then advocate for their child's needs within 5 key areas of discussion.

To book your place email:

Event Type
Online training
Foster carers
Registration cost
Registration email(s)
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