Residence Orders: What is a residence order and is it right for me?

The Fostering Network invite you to join us for an online webinar event.

This training course hopes to give all participants a good understanding of residence orders, answering some common questions and addressing any confusion around the legal order.

Start time
End time
Online webinar via Zoom


Aims and Objectives:

  • To understand what a residence order is and its purpose.
  • To understand how a residence order would impact on the children in my care and our family
  • To consider whether or not a residence order would be right for me
  • To learn more about the Adoption and Children (Northern Ireland) 2022 and the future of permanence arrangements in respect to Residence orders and Special Guardianship Orders (SGO’s).

We hope to see you there! This training is open to both Foster carers and Social workers. To register, please email

Event Type
Online training
Registration cost
Registration email(s)