‘Out There’ Local Authority Fostering Film Launch 2021

You are invited to the launch of the 'Out There' Local Authority fostering film launch on 12th October 2021, 12:00pm, hosted by The Fostering Network and Coventry City Council

You are invited to the launch of the 'Out There' Local Authority fostering film launch on 12th October 2021, 12:00pm, hosted by The Fostering Network and Coventry City Council

The film is the culmination of a coming together of more than 30 local authorities and trusts to produce a resource that will be a powerful asset to fostering services. The coming together of so many councils and trusts to produce this film stands as an example collaboration towards the goal of having enough foster carers for the children who need them in our communities. The film will support attracting new foster carers, focused on making a difference for children in care for years to come. 

The Fostering Network are delighted to be hosting the virtual launch which will premier the film and share assets needed to promote fostering locally. 

Please register here to secure your place. Joining details will be sent closer to the event. 

Register now 

In partnership with Coventry City Council