In response to the article in today’s Daily Record highlighting a call for the requirement for prospective foster carers to have a spare room to be scrapped, Sara Lurie, director of The Fostering Network in Scotland said:

Over 8,500 foster families are needed across the UK over the next year according to new figures published today (Monday 13 May) by the UK’s leading fostering charity. 

The Fostering Network calculates annual foster family recruitment targets, taking into account a number of factors including the percentage of the foster carer workforce leaving each year and the change in the numbers of children in care. This year’s figures show a need for 7,220 new foster families in England, 250 in Northern Ireland, 580 in Scotland and 550 in Wales. 

Following the publication of the Department for Education’s Outcomes for children looked after by local authorities: 31 March 2018 report, chief executive of The Fostering Network, Kevin Williams, said: ‘It is heartening to see that these figures support previous research from the University of Oxford that care can have a positive impact on the education of some looked after children.

Responding to the BBC article ‘Thousands of teenagers in care living without adults’, Kevin Williams, chief executive of The Fostering Network, said: ‘I am shocked at the number of looked after children living independently in England, especially those under 16. It is difficult to imagine a situation where this would be in the young person’s best interest and I therefore believe this situation must be driven either by a lack of other preferable living arrangements, a lack of funding, or a combination of both.

The Fostering Network is today launching its Keep Connected principles which it hopes will become embedded in the practice of children’s services, with the aim of all children and young people who are moving on from foster families to be enabled to keep in touch with them – and with other significant people in their lives.

The Fostering Network warmly welcomes the announcement by the Minister for Children and Young People in Scotland, Maree Todd MSP, that there are plans to strengthen the law in relation to keeping brothers and sisters together when they are placed in care when it is in their interest to do so. The changes will also mean that there will be the same duty on local authorities to promote contact between brothers and sisters in care as they have to promote contact with parents.

Step Up Step Down aims to prevent children who are on the periphery of the care system from being taken into care, enabling them to stay with their families at home instead. The programme is currently delivered to families in Northern Ireland and provides them with support by highly trained and experienced foster carers who offer bespoke, preventative support care for 12 - 15 months.

The Fostering Network is today launching its revamped foster carers’ charter and is calling on every fostering service to implement a charter during 2019.

A lack of support for foster carers, along with a failure to recognise the vital role they play at the heart of children’s social care, risks undermining their ability to meet the needs of fostered children, a leading charity is warning today. 

Responding to the release of the national statistics for fostering in England from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018, chief executive of The Fostering Network, Kevin Williams, said: ‘The figures make informative reading and help paint a picture of fostering and fostered children in England.