
Our work in Scotland 

We are proud to be the essential network for fostering in Scotland, with 97 per cent of fostering households in our membership. 

We offer a range of services, training and innovative projects to support our members. We also work to improve the wider fostering sector. Some of our successes include campaigning for a national minimum allowance in Scotland, and establishing our young person’s advisory board to amplify the voices of children and young people in care. 

Here are some of the ways we make a positive impact to foster care in Scotland: 

Advice, information and training 

  • Fosterline Scotland  

Our advice line provides information, guidance and support on all issues affecting fostering services and foster carers in Scotland. Call us on 0141 204 1400 or email us on We are open from 10am - 4pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays). Fosterline Scotland is funded by Scottish Government.

  • Training 

Fostering services across Scotland can commission training from us. We provide individual or packages of courses on a variety of topics to meet your service’s needs. Our in-service training can be tailored to benefit all professionals in the team around the child, while our open courses equip individuals in your team with the knowledge they need to enhance their role. 

For more information about our training offer, please contact

  • Independent support 

Our independent support service provides essential help and guidance for foster carers throughout the allegation process. 

The service offers support in a number of ways – including regular phone calls or face-to-face meetings with foster carers, answering any questions they might have. It can also help foster carers with written responses for fostering panel reports, as well as providing emotional support. 

The independent support service is commissioned by the fostering services. Those who need it must be referred by their fostering service. Once they’ve been referred, and everything is in place, an independent support worker will be in touch with the foster carer to discuss the support available. 

For more information, or to make a referral, email

Our projects and programme

  • Building Connections, Creating Change 

This is our young people’s advisory board’s (see below) latest project. The project will raise awareness and influence positive change in the areas that impact care experienced young people. These include stigma around being care experienced and mental health.

If you are interested in joining the board or finding out more about the project, please email

  • Moving On  

This project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, supported positive transitions for children and young people through and out of foster care. The project embedded the work of our Keep Connected campaign and had three areas of focus:

  • emotional wellbeing support for foster carers and their families
  • exploring journeys and change with children
  • supporting best practice through the Principles of Good Transitions  

Download the Principles of Good Transitions supplement 

Download the Principles of Good Transitions postcard

To capture the stories that the Moving On project heard throughout its engagement with foster carers and children and young people with care experience across Scotland, three short videos were created. These videos follow Freya as she moves home.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Please note the above links will take you to 

  • Walking Tall 

This project explored primary school-aged children’s thoughts about living in foster care. This included both children in foster care and the sons and daughters of foster carers. A children’s participation worker co-ordinated workshops and to worked alongside a steering group of volunteers to create an activity book. A disability inclusion co-ordinator also made sure that children and young people with disabilities had the opportunity to have their views heard, especially in relation to their care.

If you would like to get involved in, or find out more about, our projects please email

Encouraging participation 

Established in October 2022, our young people’s advisory board provides a relationship-based and meaningful co-production space for young people to inform and guide our work.The board is made up of young people between the ages of 16-21 with experience of foster care, including those who are children of foster carers.

Working together, the board raises awareness of foster care and influences positive change in the care sector. The board’s activity is driven by its members. This has included co-writing and delivering a speech at Scottish Parliament calling for a commitment to Keep the Promise and support their priorities of change, as well as meeting with the Minister for Children and keeping The Promise, Natalie Don. Members may also choose to design opportunities for those with experience of foster care to come together and have fun, create friendships and build a community.

Members have shared being on the board has built confidence, resilience and perseverance. It’s a place where they feel heard and have a sense of accomplishment. 

If you are or know a passionate young person who is interested in joining the board, please email the project worker Zoe Roy.

  • IVP Forum  

The Fostering Network facilitates quarterly meetings of the Independent and Voluntary Provider’s (IVP) forum. Independent fostering services that are members of The Fostering Network are invited to attend the forum and feed into practice and strategic discussions and work collectively to improve foster care in Scotland. Forum meetings have input from Scottish Government and the Care Inspectorate.  

For further information contact

Influencing decision makers

The Promise 

The Independent Care Review in Scotland aimed to identify and deliver lasting change in the care system and leaving a legacy that will transform the wellbeing of children and young people. Their final report was called 'The Promise'. The Scottish Government accepted all of the Review's recommendations in February 2020, committing to keep The Promise. The Promise team are now overseeing the implementation of the recommendations across Scotland.

The Fostering Network is committed to keeping the promise set out by the Independent Care Review to ensure every child and young person in care in Scotland is safe, loved and respected. This includes:

  • amending our use of language and establishing a language and re-framing group.
  • continuing to place the voice of children and young people at the heart of our work by establishing a young person's advisory group aimed at amplifying the voice of young people in the fostering community in Scotland.
  • taking a proactive child centred approach to our work, for example, rewriting our allegations, concerns and complaints signpost.
  • supporting The Promise to consult with foster carers on the Children's Hearing System re-design.