Household membership of The Fostering Network is solely for foster carers and their families residing in their household.
Please only proceed with this form if you are a current foster carer. Before you apply, please check with your fostering service if they already provide membership for you.
When you have completed this form, your fostering approval will need to be verified. To verify your fostering approval, please provide us with your ADM letter or a named person from your fostering service along with their email address and telephone number. Once your fostering approval has been verified, your membership application will be processed and a confirmation will be sent to you.
We do not have affiliate membership but please contact for further information. If you are retired from foster care and would like to join us in membership, please refer to our retired foster carer membership form.
Your household membership includes legal protection insurance that covers you, your husband, wife or partner and your own sons and daughters including those over the age of 18.
Your data
Your contact details will be held on a secure members’ database administered by The Fostering Network, and will be used to keep you up to date with your membership and the charity’s work. You will receive our quarterly Foster Care magazine mailing by post, via a third party mailing house. The mailing house does not keep any data on their systems longer than is absolutely necessary.
If we have your email address we will store it on our secure email database and send you our e-newsletters updating you on our work, including our programmes, events, training, publications, campaigning and fundraising. We may also contact you by post or email about our fundraising appeals.
We only share data where necessary with companies that are carrying out work on our behalf, such as mailing houses and IT support. Beyond this we will never share any members’ contact details without your permission nor ever sell them to anyone else. You can read more about how we store and use your data in our privacy statement at You can also change how we communicate with you by unsubscribing from any e-newsletters you receive, or by contacting or 020 7620 6440.