Children of Foster Carers Month

Children of Foster Carers Month is The Fostering Network’s annual campaign to celebrate the vital contribution the children of foster carers make to foster care.

Each October, The Fostering Network raises awareness of the important role children of foster carers play in a fostering household. We highlight how much they do for children and young people in care and how vital they are to successful fostering.

However this year the campaign looks a little different. We've changed the name from Sons and Daughters Month to Children of Foster Carers Month, ensuring inclusivity with gender-neutral language. 

Throughout October we'll be hearing from the children of foster carers as much as possible. We'll share their stories, talking about the challenges that growing up in a fostering family brings and the benefits it has. We make sure every child whose parents foster knows how much their contribution means to us and the fostering community as a whole.  

We also encourage fostering services across the UK to share stories of children of foster carers on social media and thank them for welcoming children into their families and make them feel happier, safer and loved. Moreover, we prepare a certificate and thank you letter that can be sent to the children of foster carers to show how much you appreciate them. We'll share it on this page from 2 October. 

Two people we heard from previously during Children of Foster Carers Month are Lydia and Roma Bright who grew up in a fostering family. They shared their experiences with us for our Children of Foster Carers episode of our All About Fostering podcast which you can listen to below.

At our annual Fostering Excellence Awards, which take place in October this year, which will include The Fostering Network award for children of foster carers, sponsored by William Giles Xaedin Group, previously known as the outstanding contribution by sons and daughters award. You can watch a video about one of our previous winners below.

Children of Foster Carers Month for fostering services

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Children of Foster Carers Month for fostering services