
Months after my foster son was taken into care, contact with his birth mother was stopped. It was judged too upsetting for him as his mother was so angry and this anger spilled out during contact. After she walked out of contact, slamming the door during an angry outburst, she lost the right to see her child.
By Freya Burley on November 15th, 2014
Neath and Port Talbot fostering service celebrated this years sons and daughters campaign with a spooky time for all at the seaside.
By media on November 14th, 2014
Children living at the Shaping Futures home in Staffordshire and some fostered children came together with their residential workers and carers to jointly “hunt for a diamond” at an outdoor activity centre. Julie Seifert, student social pedagogue, reports on the day.
By Freya Burley on November 12th, 2014
Fostering isn't just a job my Mum does. It isn't just a way of getting money at the end of the month. It's a lifestyle. Daisy, aged 13, the daughter of foster carers discusses life in a fostering household.
By media on November 10th, 2014
The social pedagogy team in Edinburgh were nominated for the Council’s Children and Family Award under the category of Creating, Inspiring and Innovating.
By Freya Burley on November 9th, 2014
When I first started writing my fostering memoirs in 2007 it broke new ground. No one before had written about the often hidden and sometimes secretive world of fostering and the social services. My reason for writing was partly cathartic and also I wanted to raise awareness. I’d previously written articles and short stories on issues that had moved me or about which I felt passionately.
By Cathy Glass on November 4th, 2014

You cannot discover new oceans unless you have courage to lose sight of the shore.

Andre Gide.

By Martina Elter on November 3rd, 2014
October kicked off with The Fostering Network’s annual showcase event, our conference which this year carried the theme of ‘The future of foster care – a focus on children and young people’.
By James Foyle on October 27th, 2014
It's the second day of our annual Sons and Daughters campaign and it also happens to be National Poetry Day!
By Dom-tFN on October 2nd, 2014
There has been a lot of (horrific) news recently about children being groomed. I wasn’t sure if it was a subject I knew much about so I did some research. Grooming in this context is when an adult deliberately befriends a child or young person with the intention of sexually abusing that child, either for the abuser’s gratification or by trafficking the child into prostitution.
By Cathy Glass on October 2nd, 2014