
I wanted to try and capture what Christmas meant to children in care. I thought the best way to do this was to use their words. Here are some quotes I’ve remembered, happy and sad. I’m sure you have plenty of others. Please share them.
By Cathy Glass on December 16th, 2014
A while ago I shared in my blog the story of a lumberjack. It was the story of an inspiring encounter between a hiker and a lumberjack who was working hard to cut trees with a blunt saw.
By Martina Elter on December 3rd, 2014
Surrey has been organising outdoor days for foster families and social work staff over the last year. These activity days provide a good day out and a way of “growing together” through a common third activity.
By Freya Burley on November 24th, 2014
Hello, I’m Christophe and I’m 17 years old. After finishing my GCSE’s, I’m currently at Sixth Form studying Government & Politics, Law and English Literature. I personally feel education and knowledge is an important necessity that opens a wide range of doors.
By media on November 21st, 2014
A foster carer shares his views on using the four-stage reviewing cycle in supervision in Hackney. We used this model in our latest supervision meeting. We were upset about a looked after children (LAC) review meeting and in addition, didn’t feel the minutes were accurate. Feelings were running high but this model made us focus on the facts first. Every time feelings were boiling over, our supervising social worker, who is also trained as a social pedagogue, made us focus on the facts. This was a good way of cooling things down. We focused on what happened as a way of collecting evidence.
By Freya Burley on November 20th, 2014
Gwendolyn Porter by Edith, aged 10 My name is Gwendolyn porter. I’m a nursery maid for Lady Edith and Sir Edward Hulson and their foster children now that their beloved son was shot in the First World War that is going on. Today I am taking Elisa, Tommo and Daisy-May who is still a babe in arms to the national zoo while their foster mama and papa try to get a funeral sorted out.
By media on November 20th, 2014
The First of Many Things by Chantelle, aged 9 My feelings At first I felt lonely, I didn't know my place, but all I had to do was look at my foster mum’s cheery face. It was the most beautiful face I had ever seen, I had never seen one more lovable.
By media on November 20th, 2014
Buster the foster dog by Alex, aged 15 The reason I have decided to write about Buster is because he is such a lovely dog and he is hilarious and even though he is big and looks scary all he wants to do is play and make everyone happy. I call him a foster dog because his real owner couldn’t look after him any more so Catherine who is his real owner’s friend took him in. So this is the reason it is called buster the foster dog.
By media on November 20th, 2014
November began with the selected 12 English local authorities joining us for a workshop as part of the Department for Education funded project to Support fostering services to recruit more foster carers.
By James Foyle on November 19th, 2014
The momentum groups – set up in some of the programme sites to keep those who have undertaken the social pedagogy courses on a continuous learning journey – in Hampshire, Somerset and Bristol & Gloucestershire have been deepening their learning and have created amazing initiatives.
By Freya Burley on November 18th, 2014