
Selam, a student from Germany, has been interning with the Head, Head, Hands programme in Staffordshire. Here is her first hand account of his story so far.
By Dom-tFN on February 11th, 2015
Hello again and welcome to this edition of the fortnightly round-up of your community posts and discussions. Please add your experience and insight to help answer people’s questions.
By Aby Wojcik on February 6th, 2015
This blog is a true story, told bravely and passionately, by an anonymous young person in foster care.
By Dom-tFN on January 27th, 2015
Although most of us know that 18 is the age at which a young person reaches the age of majority in the UK and becomes an adult in the eyes of the law there are other significant age milestones before then, which are less well known and can cause confusion. It’s a subject that often crops up in training and support groups so that I thought the following might be useful.
By Cathy Glass on January 27th, 2015
Welcome to the second edition of our Head, Heart, Hands newsletter. In this issue, we focus on the use of reflection to improve our practice. We have examples from supervision, social workers’ meetings and placement stability discussions.
By Freya Burley on January 26th, 2015
Hello! I hope you’ve all got through ‘Blue Monday’ and are ready for the fortnightly round-up of the community posts and discussions that have caught my eye in the last two weeks.
By Aby Wojcik on January 23rd, 2015
Welcome back, full of energy, innovative ideas and drive to recruit and retain the foster carers you need for 2015.
By James Foyle on January 16th, 2015
Hello! It's time once more for a community round-up. We've had a bit of a longer gap than usual - giving you time off for Christmas, of course - but we'll be resuming our fortnightly schedule from here. Now the new year festivities have also passed, I hope you can find the time to dive back into the community and share your experiences where they're needed!
By Aby Wojcik on January 9th, 2015
The end of one year and the start of the next is often a time for reflection. A little like a review when we can ask ourselves what has gone well for us, what hasn’t gone so well, what we have achieved, what we could have done differently, and what we hope to achieve in the coming year.
By Cathy Glass on January 2nd, 2015
As the calendar year draws to a close, this month’s Attracting and Keeping Carers blog reaches you a little earlier than normal to avoid being lost in the festivities.
By James Foyle on December 17th, 2014