
I hope you had a lovely summer. We did. I looked after two separate sibling groups. Hard work but great fun. We had lots of days out. While in one adventure park I stood next to a woman who spoke rather loudly when talking to her three young boys who appeared to be quite a handful. One thing that struck me was that she used third person when talking to them, referring to herself as Mummy – ‘Mummy told you to stay in sight,’ instead of ‘I told you to stay in sight,’ which to my ears grated.
By Cathy Glass on September 3rd, 2015
I am Tony Round, and I am head of fundraising at The Fostering Network. I am fortunate enough to be able to work for a charity that dedicates itself to helping make life better for foster carers and fostered children and young people in care, and I want to help even more foster carers and children, so I am running the Royal Parks Half Marathon.
By media on August 30th, 2015
Good afternoon members, and welcome to your 100th community roundup! We hope you continue to benefit from using the online community. Here is a round-up of what you have been talking about over the last fortnight.
By Aby Wojcik on August 21st, 2015
Family - a group of parents and their children. The Oxford English Dictionary. Families are one of the most important things to us, but some families are a little more dysfunctional than others. To us family is loving and caring people who will always look out for us and after us, but for some poor souls this is not the case. My mum is a foster carer which means she looks after kids that have been mistreated or simply cannot be looked after by their own parents.
By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on August 21st, 2015
Many of you will have already seen the news that as of 31 July 2015, the British Association for Adoption and Fostering, BAAF, has closed. The Fostering Network has been proud to stand with BAAF and their staff in campaigning for changes in legislation and guidance that will have a positive effect on children and young people for generations to come.
By James Foyle on August 20th, 2015
Chloe, who fosters for Chryalis Care, has written about her journey from childhood, to foster care, and onto the toughest challenge around - the Tough Mudder!
By media on August 19th, 2015
My partner Mark Jackson and I have been foster carers since October last year. We were travelling home in the car from my stables one day early in 2014 when I noticed the poster on the back of a bus we were following inviting people to contact West Sussex County Council if they would like to apply to be foster carers. I mentioned this to Mark and he had also thought he would like to do this.
By media on August 11th, 2015
Good afternoon members, I hope you are all enjoying the summer holidays and maybe even a little sunshine? Here is a round-up of what you have been talking about over the last fortnight.
By Aby Wojcik on August 7th, 2015
This week the NSPCC called for the Government to publish detailed data revealing how many children in each English local authority area re-enter care after a return home fails.
By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on July 29th, 2015
Welcome to the fifth edition of our Head, Heart, Hands newsletter.
By Freya Burley on July 27th, 2015