
The Fostering Network, as part of its innovation work and with funding from the Department for Education, is introducing, and supporting the delivery of the pioneering Mockingbird Family Model to foster care in the UK. You can find out more here. In this blog, Christopher - who is working on the Mockingbird programme - shares some of the excitement surrounding the launch of the hub homes.

By Christopher Scott Burrows on November 30th, 2015
My husband Jim and I first met each other at work. He always struck me as a great person to be around: intelligent, insightful and fair but with a wicked sense of humour. As we headed off together last week to attend the Skills to Foster training, I was taken straight back to the days when we used to work together every day. I was thinking how nice it was to be going to the same place at the same time for once. I was thinking that spending two days during the working week together was a rare boon. I was excited that, as a couple; we would be learning more about something we care deeply about and our responses to it.
By Lucy Stevens on November 27th, 2015
Good afternoon members and welcome to community round-up 106. Here is a round-up of what you have been talking about over the past fortnight.
By Aby Wojcik on November 20th, 2015
I’m not going to lie to you. The application form? It’s a brute. My brother has a bit of a phobia of application forms and if he caught sight of this specimen, he’d be running to hide behind the sofa quicker than he did when he first saw Michael Jackson’s Thriller.
By Lucy Stevens on November 18th, 2015
Oak trees were planted by sons and daughters of foster carers to celebrate their important role in fostering during Sons and Daughters Month in October
By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on November 18th, 2015
Welcome to the seventh edition of our Head, Heart, Hands newsletter.
By Freya Burley on November 16th, 2015
Good afternoon members and welcome to community round-up 105. We hope you are looking forward to your weekends, and that the rain stays away, wherever you are.
By Aby Wojcik on November 6th, 2015
Last week I went on a home visit to a lady who had enquired about fostering through our agency. She’d been on our website, liked what she’d seen and dropped us an email. I’d been the one to call her and answer her questions. I’d been the one to book in a suitable time to visit her at home to talk in more depth. And, along with my colleague, I’d been the one to go to her lovely home. For an hour and a half we chatted and she asked us lots of questions, which we answered honestly. We gave her a realistic picture of what she might expect from fostering. We also asked her lots of questions about her family, their experiences and motivations. We’re not sure if she’ll apply to foster with us but we left her with an application form and lots to think about.
By Lucy Stevens on November 5th, 2015
If your child automatically resorts to throwing things when they are angry or don’t get their own way, I suggest you insist they pick up the objects. I’ve fostered many children who throw things in anger, often because their parents do. Indeed it is surprising just how many otherwise responsible adults resort to hurling objects when angry or upset.
By Cathy Glass on November 2nd, 2015
This is the first post from Lucy Stevens who, along with her family, is embarking on the process of becoming a foster carer. She will be chronicling the story of her journey via this regular blog.
By Lucy Stevens on October 28th, 2015