
Welcome to the tenth edition of our Head, Heart, Hands newsletter.
By Freya Burley on May 25th, 2016
Jean Boag nominated her employer for a Fostering Excellence Award in 2015 for their willingness to provide flexible working hours to enable Jean to become a foster carer.
By Foster Care Fortnight on May 25th, 2016
Tony Round is The Fostering Network’s fundraising manager. In this blog, Tony discusses the need for more flexible and supportive workplaces to encourage working people to foster and support foster carers in employment.
By Foster Care Fortnight on May 25th, 2016
Tony Acott has been fostering with his wife for 10 years in Newport, South Wales. They foster a young boy and provide emergency respite support.
By Foster Care Fortnight on May 23rd, 2016
A key part of our ongoing campaigns work is to ensure that decision makers get the full facts about fostering. At the moment the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Children is conducting an inquiry into children’s social care, and to inform our response to this we surveyed foster carers on the subject of cuts to local authority budgets.
By Policy and Campaigns tFN on May 23rd, 2016
We often hear about fostering from the carers point of view. But what’s it like waiting for, meeting, and then finally moving in with a foster family? Rory from Portsmouth shares his experience. This article first appeared in New Family Social magazine, and was written with the help of Portsmouth City Council
By Foster Care Fortnight on May 23rd, 2016
The Fostering Network Wales supports foster carers and other professionals across the country; delivering training, research and advice as well as offering information services. Maria Boffey from our team based in Cardiff outlines the latest news from Wales.
By Foster Care Fortnight on May 20th, 2016
Mirren Taylor from Fosterline Scotland answers some of the common questions she is asked about diversity from potential foster carers enquiring about the role.
By Foster Care Fortnight on May 20th, 2016

The Fostering Network Northern Ireland offer children aged eight to 20 in foster or kinship foster care a programme of support and personal development called Fostering the Future. The Big Lottery-funded initiative includes arts and sports based projects, peer mentoring and residential weekends.

Caoimhe has taken part in Fostering the Future and shares her story below.

By Foster Care Fortnight on May 20th, 2016
Kathleen Toner, director of The Fostering Network in Northern Ireland, writes: ‘Maybe I’m not so broken after all …’ are the words of a young person talking about a breakthrough moment for him at the age of 16 living with his foster carer. Jack, (not his real name), had multiple moves with several relatives in informal arrangements before being placed with a non-relative carer. His comment reflects his take on what was ‘normal’ family life. One Saturday morning he was somewhat reluctantly tidying his room with his foster carer who was giving off about the ‘mess’ and he suddenly stopped, thought ‘ah, this is what normal feels like' and added ‘maybe I’m not so broken after all….’
By Foster Care Fortnight on May 20th, 2016