
Ever had the feeling your child doesn’t like you? Don’t worry most parents and carers have at some time. Being disliked by your child is a healthy part of growing up and a sign (believe it or not) of good parenting.
By Cathy Glass on October 4th, 2016
Welcome to another edition of the campaigns blog, with Robert Cann, campaigns officer at The Fostering Network.
By Policy and Campaigns tFN on September 30th, 2016
Cathy Glass shares her thoughts on how you can get involved in fundraising for The Fostering Network - from skydiving to baking to walking.
By Cathy Glass on September 8th, 2016

We reported last time that the Children and Social Work Bill had been introduced to parliament which we have been working on during July as well as scrutinising other reports from the Government.

By Policy and Campaigns tFN on August 26th, 2016

I’m misleading you a little this week because I’m not going to be blogging about the cinema. Though what I’m attempting to describe was at times as surreal to me as something you might glimpse on the big screen. This week’s blog is about the Home Office screening interview that all children seeking asylum in the UK need to attend.

By Lucy Stevens on August 25th, 2016

Andrew Walker, a member of The Fostering Network’s practice support team and a social worker, reflects on a summer of consultations and reports in England.

So much for work slowing down during the summer. The Westminster Government and related agencies issued a flurry of documents for consideration in June and July which have kept the Practice Support Team busy in between going away for their summer holiday.

By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on August 11th, 2016
Allegations against a foster carer by a child in their care is a subject most carers would rather not think about, believing it couldn’t happen to us. Sadly it happens to many of us and the majority of those who have allegations made against them are not new carers but experienced ones, just like a friend of mine and her husband who’d been fostering for 10 years.
By Cathy Glass on August 2nd, 2016
We’ve all seen it on the news. We’ve watched the exodus of men, women and children with a mounting sense of horror and helplessness. We know that there are thousands upon thousands of children displaced from their homes and everything they’ve ever known. We know many of these children are on their own, traumatised, bewildered and afraid.
By Lucy Stevens on July 27th, 2016
Jude Black has been a social worker for 40 years and currently works for the fostering team at Gloucestershire County Council. She created one of the first groups in England catering specifically for birth children of foster carers and has overseen its growth and development. The group is now well established and recently celebrated its 10th anniversary.
By DavidEggboro on July 21st, 2016
Aside from fretting over the home nations' performances in the Euros, there's been a lot else going on in our campaigns team over the past few weeks.
By Policy and Campaigns tFN on July 18th, 2016