
When Henry's family started to foster he was only seven years old. Even though, at that age, he didn't quite comprehend what fostering was, he quickly learned how it was helping the children his family was caring for. Now 18, Henry works for his local authority as an ambassador for children and young people and recently won one of our Fostering Excellence Awards for his outstanding contribution to foster care. 

By karina a on February 4th, 2020

We all know that postcodes can be pivotal when it comes to the provision of public services. The area you live in can affect your access to healthcare, leisure opportunities, your insurance prices, and more. In Scotland it also affects how much money is spent on children in care. Sara Lurie, director of The Fostering Network in Scotland, explains the situation and what can be done to change it.

By karina a on January 27th, 2020

When you have looked after over 100 children during 30 years as foster carers, retiring from fostering is a significant change. Eileen and Ian became foster carers almost three decades ago, now they are in their eighties and ready to settle down. Here, the couple share their experiences and give some wise advice: ‘You can’t change things over night. Slow down and enjoy what you have.’

By karina a on January 24th, 2020

Last week the Children’s Minister in England wrote to all English local authorities asking them to prioritise adoption as the best long-term option for looked after children. This blog from our chief executive, Kevin Williams, explains why we came out so firmly against the letter.

By Kevin Williams on January 21st, 2020
With a new year of raising funds beckoning us, we caught up with Nicky and Anne who work at Jancett Childcare and Training. Jancett Childcare spent a year fundraising for The Fostering Network and it highlights the success an organisation can have when they combine fundraising with their own calendar of events.
By Julia Cameron on January 14th, 2020

On behalf of The Fostering Network may I wish you a very peaceful and happy 2020, and thank you for all that you do every day for children and young people living in foster care. Thank you too for working alongside us as together we seek to make foster care the very best it can be for fostered children and young people and the families caring for them.

By Kevin Williams on December 26th, 2019

2019 has been fundraising-tastic here at The Fostering Network! It’s been brilliant to work with many of you on your fundraising journeys – we are extremely grateful to you for raising as much as you can so that we can support those who foster and the children in their care. If you also want to support us this Christmas, please read on.

By karina a on December 11th, 2019
APFEL (Acting for Promotion of Fostering at a European Level) is a European gathering of a variety of stakeholders who meet each year somewhere in Europe to debate and share resources and best practice to promote and improve foster care. The Fostering Network jointly hosted this year’s conference, Foster Care Transforming Lives, with APFEL on Wednesday 20th November. The event took place in Edinburgh and had attendees from France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, UK, Switzerland and more.
By Daisy Elliott on November 28th, 2019

Last week Ofsted, the organisation responsible for inspecting fostering services and local authorities in England, released their annual data relating to English fostering. As always, there is a lot to take note of in the data, so below are nine things we think are worth highlighting:

By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on November 21st, 2019

Kevin Williams, our chief executive, reflects on 30 years of the Children Act.

Legislation (or lack of it) has been in the news a lot recently – not always with good press. 30 years ago this week, however, a piece of legislation was being enacted which has had an impact on hundreds of thousands of people’s lives. The Children Act 1989 was a momentous act which marked a step change in the advancement of children’s rights in England and Wales, bringing together previous piecemeal legislation and modernising it to reflect practice. 

By Kevin Williams on November 16th, 2019