
There are always the good times and bad times, fostering has no exceptions there will always be a tear to shed once a child has gone, may it be tears of joy from the new family or carers or tears of sorrow to have to say goodbye to a loved family member and friend as they leave to somebody else.
By Andy Kirk on October 14th, 2013
My name is Paige and my family foster children who need looking after.
By Andy Kirk on October 11th, 2013
My foster brother came into my family in May 2012. I was at a school trip to M&Ds when he came. He was six months old when we got him.
By Andy Kirk on October 10th, 2013
Fostering is really fun because you can play with diffrent children!
By Andy Kirk on October 9th, 2013
My name is Dave, I am married with two young children from my second marriage and three older children now all at University from my first marriage. My wife Lisa and I have been fostering now for just over 5 years and during this time we have had numerous placements and have had to deal with the challenges they all bring.
By media on October 8th, 2013
Hi my name is Katie, I am a foster carer with my family.
By Andy Kirk on October 8th, 2013
To me fostering means looking after children that can't live with their parents, grandparents etc at that specific time and giving them the love and reassurance they need to live a happy life ( which every child deserves) until they either go back and live with their family or go to another carer and their family.
By Andy Kirk on October 7th, 2013
I think fostering is about giving kids that did not have quite a good time at home maybe because of a crisis or mum/dad was too young.
By Andy Kirk on October 4th, 2013
Fostering is when we look after kids that their mums and dads are ill and can't look after them.
By Andy Kirk on October 3rd, 2013
Hey everyone, I'm going to tell you about being a foster sister. I have been a foster sister since I was 5 (2006).
By Andy Kirk on October 2nd, 2013