
Having recently started work at The Fostering Network, and being a foster carer, I’m keen to understand the role that social pedagogy can play in improving the lives of young people in foster care. Here are three of my early reflections on the impact of Head, Heart, Hands.
By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on April 8th, 2015
The extended Bank Holiday is about to begin and many of you will already be enjoying the school Easter break. If you’re thinking about taking your family out somewhere special, don’t forget that as members of The Fostering Network you get discounts on visits to many of the UK’s top attractions.
By Aby Wojcik on April 2nd, 2015
A number of news stories have hit the fostering headlines since my last blog. On a local level, East Midlands authorities have launched their collective ‘Space for a Child’ campaign, while in Northern Ireland, the Western Trust’s new campaign has been launched to encourage more people to come forward to care for older children.
By James Foyle on March 23rd, 2015
Good afternoon all! Hope you can lend your insight and experience and help the community members who have posted below.
By Aby Wojcik on March 20th, 2015
Good afternoon all, hope you're looking forward to the weekend. Here's a round up of some of the latest community discussions. Do lend your valuable advice and experience where you can.
By Aby Wojcik on March 6th, 2015
Many young people in care feel they have limited say in the decisions that affect their lives and this can have a knock-on effect on their behaviour. Having relinquished responsibility for their actions they no longer hold themselves accountable for the outcome of any negative behaviour. While no one is responsible for the decisions and actions of others we are always responsible for our own decisions and actions, although sometimes we would rather not admit it. Often young people need to have the benefits of taking responsibility for their actions explained to them.
By Cathy Glass on March 3rd, 2015
Good afternoon, good community members! If you've had children on half term this week, I hope a good time was had by all. If you did something special, I'm sure we would all be interested to hear about it!
By Aby Wojcik on February 20th, 2015
First published in Foster Care magazine: I caught up with Verónica Eva Pérez Calvo, a social pedagogue from Northern Spain, to talk about herself, and her role in The Fostering Network's Head, Heart, Hands programme.
By Dom-tFN on February 20th, 2015
February saw the publication of The Fostering Network’s new recruitment target for 2015. The figure, 8,370, reflects the continued rise of children coming into care, the significant numbers of foster carers leaving the service in the past year and a factor to allow sufficient placement choice.
By James Foyle on February 16th, 2015
Dominic Stevenson, senior media officer at The Fostering Network, writes: The internet, or sections of it, has found a new outrage – and while it will only last as long as the others, we wanted to put in our tuppence worth on this one.
By Dom-tFN on February 12th, 2015