
This is the second of two blogs about Lincolnshire Foster Care Association. Lizette is from Lincolnshire County Council's fostering service. You can read the first blog here.

By Foster Care Fortnight on June 3rd, 2015
Nathan is the 19-year-old son of foster carers living in South-West London. Here he tells his story of how his life-long ambition to be a referee has come to fruition.
By Foster Care Fortnight on June 3rd, 2015
A key element of The Fostering Network's social pedagogy programme, Head, Heart, Hands, is building relationships through shared experiences and developing a more sensible approach to risk. Here two young people from Capstone Foster Care talk about the adventurous activities they recently helped organise.
By Foster Care Fortnight on June 3rd, 2015

Fostering Community Champions, funded by the Big Lottery, is an exciting four year project that aims to improve the outcomes of children in care by reducing the isolation experienced by many foster carers and helping young people to use their experience of foster care in a positive and meaningful way.

By Foster Care Fortnight on June 2nd, 2015
I love it when Foster Care Fortnight comes around. I love the flurry of media activity as fostering rightfully receives attention at a national level. I always find it inspiring to hear the passion, commitment and dedication from those involved with fostering across the UK, and particularly here in Scotland. Foster carers, fostering services and children and young people who are part of a fostering family all come together to highlight their experiences and tell their own unique story.
By Foster Care Fortnight on June 2nd, 2015
Fiona Smith is a virtual school head. Virtual school heads have lead responsibility within local authorities for raising the educational attainment of looked after children and ensuring they reach and exceed their potential; foster carers play a vital role in helping to do this. The Virtual School Head and their team, which will vary depending on the number of looked after children, offers support to carers through training, and advice and guidance on working with schools and holding celebratory events.
By Foster Care Fortnight on June 1st, 2015
Fostering Community Champions, funded by the Big Lottery, is an exciting four year project that aims to improve the outcomes of children in care by reducing the isolation experienced by many foster carers and helping young people to use their experience of foster care in a positive and meaningful way. Thirty six foster carers and 12 young people from fostering households will be trained to provide peer support to foster families across Scotland.
By Foster Care Fortnight on June 1st, 2015

The Little Book of Big Imaginations is the result of a story writing competition held last year to celebrate the achievements of children living with foster carers, showcase their writing talent and allow them the opportunity to express their thoughts and emotions.

The book was compiled and published by The Fostering Network member, Fostering People. You can read the book.

By Foster Care Fortnight on June 1st, 2015
Ruth Jones is the Access and Inclusion Associate for Arts Award. She has specialist experience of developing and supporting creative arts programmes with and for young people at risk, has been working as an associate and senior trainer with Arts Award for ten years, has also worked on programmes for Arts Council England and Youth Music as well as a range of local authorities and arts organisations across England. You can read more about Arts Award in Foster Care Magazine.
By Foster Care Fortnight on June 1st, 2015
​What a day to start at The Fostering Network – the first day of the charity’s annual Foster Care Fortnight. By far the biggest fostering celebration in the calendar, the campaign raises awareness of fostering, the amazing work that foster carers do and the need for more people to come forward to offer homes to children and make a difference to their lives. Led by The Fostering Network, Foster Care Fortnight supports and encourages fostering services, foster carers and other supporters to get involved and shine a spotlight on fostering. And at almost 20 years old, the campaign is still growing in breadth and profile.
By Kevin Williams on June 1st, 2015