
Good afternoon and welcome to our regular round-up of the latest updates from The Fostering Network and our online community.
By Aby Wojcik on July 24th, 2015
If your child’s school hasn’t broken up yet it will be doing soon, so I just wanted to say have a great summer.
By Cathy Glass on July 23rd, 2015

I’ve managed to catch up with a number of you post Foster Care Fortnight™ and have been delighted to hear about all of the activity that took place. Please spare 10 or so minutes to complete the Foster Care Fortnight™​ evaluation survey if you haven’t already done so.

By James Foyle on July 22nd, 2015
An increasing number of children are being diagnosed with a behavioural disorder. But what exactly does that mean?
By Cathy Glass on July 9th, 2015
Good afternoon members, hope you’re looking forward to a lovely and hopefully sunny weekend. It’s been a few weeks since our last community round up, so this post is a bit longer than most.
By Aby Wojcik on June 26th, 2015
Foster Care Fortnight 2015 saw a tidal wave of fostering and orange has swept across the UK thanks to you and your foster carers.
By James Foyle on June 26th, 2015
Following my last blog on the importance of mealtimes I thought it might be useful to say a few words about some of the problems connected with eating. As foster carers many of the children we look after often have a poor relationship with food, binging or starving, hoarding food, or refusing the meal we have prepared and then taking food from the cupboard when no one is looking. We nurture our children and take pride in seeing them grow and thrive. Food is essential to sustain life and therefore an intrinsic part of that nurturing and love, so that if a child or young person has a poor relationship with food it is very worrying.
By Cathy Glass on June 15th, 2015
Our chief executive Kevin Williams draws Foster Care Fortnight to a close.<--break->..
By Foster Care Fortnight on June 14th, 2015
Melissa Green is director of operations at The Fostering Network. If I had to pick a word that sums up what is happening in fostering at the moment I would choose ‘innovation’. This for me stands out over all the other words more prominent in the news: austerity, cuts, crisis, stretched services. It is not to say that these aren’t having an impact, we all know they are, but the response within fostering is not one of retrenching or reducing, but one of creativity and identifying new ways of ensuring the very best for young people in foster care.
By Foster Care Fortnight on June 13th, 2015
​James Foyle is The Fostering Network's recruitment and retention consultant. My barber's is just across the road from where I live. It’s run by a family of Kosovans who are a significant part of our local community.
By Foster Care Fortnight on June 12th, 2015