
Our series of Walking Tall workshops has now concluded, and we are delighted to report that it has been an absolutely informative, invaluable, and fun experience. 

By N B Lakhani on June 7th, 2018

When fostering a child who is of a different faith to you, the learning curve is steep and broad. There are all sorts of requirements that will need careful thought and consideration.

By Lucy Stevens on June 4th, 2018
Are you ready to stop fostering, or have you considered stopping fostering in the past few months? I really do hope not but, it happens. Foster carers, for all sorts of reasons, sometimes decide to stop fostering and move on to other ‘adventures’. I’m aiming to find out why and what can be done to address some of the common factors that cause foster carers to stop fostering.
By Michelle.Galbraith on June 4th, 2018

Having blogged for many years about fostering and raising children I have more recently looked at ways in which adults and young people can achieve happiness and contentment. Last time we looked at taking responsibility for our lives and this time I would look at what can be achieved when we do so.

By Cathy Glass on June 1st, 2018

Proud to foster and proud to support fostering. Here is Kevin Williams, The Fostering Network's chief executive, closing statement as Foster Care FortnightTM draws to an end after two fabulous weeks.

By N B Lakhani on May 24th, 2018

Fantastic, you’ve been through the process of pre-approval training, assessment and panel and now you’ve been approved as a foster carer. That’s great news. But what can you expect next?

By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on May 23rd, 2018

Melissa Green is our director of operations, with a responsibility for our projects and programmes and our work across England. Here she looks at the year past, the year ahead and thanks foster families for the change they bring to the lives of the children and young people they care for.

By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on May 22nd, 2018

So, you’ve made the decision that you’d like to become a foster carer. You think you have the right skills and experience, you have the desire to offer a safe and caring home to a child or young person…and, of course, you have a spare room. Now what happens?

Becoming a foster carer will typically take around eight months from the first enquiry. There is a series of visits and assessments with a social worker before and final interview with a panel which will make a decision as to whether you will be approved to foster.

This sounds quite onerous, but it’s a very important part of your fostering journey – it gives you plenty of time to ask questions and reflect on what it will mean being a foster carer (not just for you, but for your family and friends), and allows your fostering service to ensure that you are going to be a good foster carer.

This blog gives a summary of the various stages of becoming a foster carer. For more comprehensive information read our frequently asked questions.

By N B Lakhani on May 21st, 2018
Colin Turner is The Fostering Network's director in Wales. He is also a foster carer. Here, as part of Foster Care Fortnight, he writes a message to the thousands of foster families in Wales.
By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on May 18th, 2018
Hello and welcome to the latest update from the policy and campaigns team at The Fostering Network.
By Policy and Campaigns tFN on May 17th, 2018