
Having blogged for many years about fostering and raising children I have more recently looked at ways in which adults and young people can achieve happiness and contentment. Last time we looked at the benefits of thinking positively - for our children, young people and ourselves.  Last time I looked at the benefits of thinking positively - for our children, young people and ourselves.  This time I would like to look at how to achieve positive thinking. 

By Cathy Glass on October 10th, 2018

Michelle, who is running our Foster Carer Retention project is aiming to find out why foster carers stop fostering and what can be done to address some of the common factors behind the decison to leave the role.

By Michelle.Galbraith on October 2nd, 2018
The relationship between fostered children and their former foster carers is increasingly being recognised as extremely important to the development and wellbeing of the child. In response to feedback from our members, we launched the Keep Connected campaign to make sure the importance of maintaining relationships between children and young people and their former foster carers is recognised. Last month we brought together leading voices from the sector to discuss the campaign and plan the next steps.
By Izzy Roberts on October 2nd, 2018

With the Great British Bake Off having just kicked off, our vice-president Darren Harman-Page - a former professional baker - shares some of his thoughts about baking and the therapeutic benefits to children in a fostering family.

We hope his blog (and future recipes that Darren will be sharing with us) will inspire you to get baking - why not hold a bake sale to fundraise for us? Find out how here.

By Daniel.Sinclairtfn on September 10th, 2018

Here's the latest news from our campaigns team, including how you can support our Tick the Box campaign and an update on the record-breaking response to our State of the Nation survey.

By Izzy Roberts on August 22nd, 2018

The fundraising team at The Fostering Network appreciate what an emotional undertaking it can be to sign up to a personal challenge and we are so grateful to everyone who continues to do so to raise money and awareness for The Fostering Network.

By Rachael Crowther on August 17th, 2018
Lucy writes about maintaining hope despite challenging times and a sense of inertia
By Lucy Stevens on August 17th, 2018

Hub home carers are at the centre of each of our Mockingbird contellations, so we thought we would let you know what their role involves.

By Mockingbird on August 6th, 2018

Having blogged for many years about fostering and raising children I have more recently looked at ways in which adults and young people can achieve happiness and contentment. Last time we looked at taking responsibility for our lives. This time I would like to look at the benefits of thinking positively - for our children, young people and ourselves. 

By Cathy Glass on August 1st, 2018

Following the publication of the Westminster Government’s Fostering Better Outcomes report, our chief executive, Kevin Williams, has written the below message to our foster care members:

By Kevin Williams on July 31st, 2018