
It is Foster Care Fortnight 2019 and I want to thank foster carers who on any given day, are looking after more than 5,000 of Scotland’s children. Children whose mums or dads, no matter how much they may love them, are not able to look after them. Your unwavering commitment to providing the very best possible care, has taught me more than anything else.

By Foster Care Fortnight on May 20th, 2019

Since Foster Care Fortnight 2018 Niki Clemo has joined The Fostering Network having previously worked as a senior manager in a children's trust. In this blog Niki shares her unique perspective on Foster Care Fortnight and our work in England.

By Foster Care Fortnight on May 16th, 2019

Being approved as a foster carer is just the start of your fostering journey. Once approved it’s time to prepare to welcome children and young people into your home. You might have a child come to live with you immediately but, depending on the needs of your fostering service, there could also be a period where you don’t have a child or young person living with you. Whatever the situation, it’s good to be prepared for the time ahead – here’s some advice from existing foster carers.

By Foster Care Fortnight on May 13th, 2019

Children of all ages and backgrounds come into care requiring the nurture and support of a foster family. Whether it is for one night, a few weeks, or their entire childhood, it’s important to have enough foster families to look after these children and to meet each child’s individual needs.

By Foster Care Fortnight on May 13th, 2019

Kathleen Toner, director of The Fostering Network in Northern Ireland, has written this blog for Foster Care Fortnight

By Foster Care Fortnight on May 12th, 2019

Currently 65,000 children in the UK are living with foster carers. Thousands more foster families are needed this year to give every child who comes into care a stable and loving home. If you think you have what it takes to change a child’s future, keep reading.

By Foster Care Fortnight on May 12th, 2019

Our director in Wales, Colin Turner, shares his thoughts for our day of focus on Wales

By Foster Care Fortnight on May 10th, 2019
Fostering is one of several care options that offers children a home when they are unable to live with their birth family.
By Foster Care Fortnight on May 10th, 2019

Welcome to Foster Care FortnightTM 2019 – the UK’s biggest annual fostering awareness campaign, developed and delivered by The Fostering Network.

By Kevin Williams on May 10th, 2019

I was recently asked by a woman’s magazine to write a short article about some of the most harrowing situations I had faced. It’s reproduced below. It was only when I’d written the article and reread it that I realized my most harrowing situations all related to fostering. 

By Cathy Glass on April 2nd, 2019