Working with ‘the team around the child’
Foster carers are part of what’s often termed ‘the team around the child’ which is responsible for the wellbeing and development of a fostered child. This team includes the foster carer, their supervising social worker, the child’s birth family and the child’s social worker, as well as a number of other people, such as education and health professionals, depending on the child’s specific needs.
How we can help foster carers
Working with Social Workers: Signposts in Fostering
How the roles of these social workers differ.
- The roles of other social workers foster carers might meet.
- How foster carers will work with them to deliver the best care for fostered children.
- What foster carers should expect from meetings with social workers.
What to do if foster carers are unhappy about the decisions made for the support they receive.
You can purchase our Working with Social Workers publication online for just £2
(the Signpost is available for £4 to those who are not members of The Fostering Network).
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