Kinship carers in England are also known as family and friends carers and/or connected persons carers. There are different means by which a child may be living with a kinship carer, depending on the relationship between them and their carer, the level of involvement with the local authority, and, where applicable, the nature of the court order granted.
This information page provides an overview of work with kinship carers in England, and outlines the five main ways in which arrangements are made and monitored:
- informal arrangements between close family members
- private fostering
- family and friends foster care
- special guardianship
- child arrangements orders
There is a useful summary table of the different options in Annexe A of the Family and Friends Care statutory guidance.
The Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010 provide the regulatory framework around the approval of family and friends as foster carers.
More detailed information is available in relation to the assessment, approval and support of family and friends foster carers, for which The Fostering Network have produced assessment resources.
We have produced a Practice Information Note on placing children with family and friends carers (England).