All fostering services must review a foster carer in accordance with appropriate legislation, fostering regulations and guidance. The review will consider whether a foster carer's approval should continue and if there should be any changes to their terms of approval. Reviews are an opportunity to reflect on the previous year, acknowledge what has gone well, and consider any challenges as well as exploring the support needs of a foster carer.
A review of foster carers’ approval must take place not more than a year after approval, and thereafter whenever the fostering service provider considers it necessary, but at intervals of not more than a year. A fostering service can choose to review a foster carer’s approval at any time. For example, an allegation or complaint might well trigger a review of approval, as could any major change in the foster carer’s household – for example, a serious health issue, or separation or divorce.
In England and Wales fostering regulations make it clear that the first review must go back to the fostering panel. After that, there is no legal requirement for a review to go back to panel, although the fostering service can choose to do so. In Scotland reviews must go back to panel at least every three years.
More information about fostering panels
Foster carers should read this page about reviews
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