Foster carers undergo a medical to become an approved carers, then have regular three-yearly medicals throughout their careers. 

Medical information is only one part of the assessment, and there is nothing in the fostering regulations or standards that would direct a fostering service to turn down an application based on any named illness, disability, past or current medication or treatment.

As the UK's leading fostering charity we offer practice support to member fostering across the UK.

Difficulties relating to foster carer medicals 

In recent years fostering services have increasingly expressed concern about the difficulties with the system of obtaining health information about prospective foster carers. In response to this issue The Fostering Network, CoramBAAF and the Nationwide Association of Fostering Providers (NAFP) jointly surveyed our fostering service members in England in Winter 2019/20 to understand more about the issue and its wider impact on fostering.  


The primary issues identified were: 

  • Cost
  • Capacity
  • Delay
  • Information management
  • The role of the medical adviser 

Recommendations regarding medicals 

The Fostering Network, CoramBAAF and the National Association of Fostering Providers will work with the relevant bodies to take the following recommendations forward: 

  • A national standardised approach to foster carer medicals, including a national recommended fee.
  • To promote an understanding amongst health colleagues around their crucial role in the recruitment and retention of foster carers and the importance of foster carer medicals.
  • To promote an understanding among health professionals completing medical reports of the role of the foster carer. This is necessary to ensure all relevant information is provided to the medical advisor for consideration.
  • Ensure there is effective communication between the fostering provider and health colleagues at a local level.
  • Review the medical report form (AH1) to ensure the content and format is fit for purpose (NB: CoramBAAF is already in the process of updating the AH form as part of review processes and has made additional changes in light of the covid-19 pandemic).
  • Clarification of roles in assessing the suitability to foster using the information contained within the foster carer medical report. This includes clarifying the respective role of the assessing social worker and fostering service medical adviser in assessing the implications of information contained within the foster carer medical report on the foster carer’s suitability to foster.
  • Clarification regarding the sharing and storage of foster carer’s health information by GP surgeries, medical advisors and fostering services.