Start Talking: Better Sexual and Reproductive Health for Children in Foster Care

Start Talking

Start Talking project aims to increase the knowledge, skills, and confidence of foster carers in supporting the children and young people they care for to have better sexual and reproductive health outcomes.  

The Fostering Network have worked in partnership with The Sex Education Forum, funded by The Innovation Fund and informed by young people with care experience and foster carers. Together they have produced a downloadable guide and a series of podcasts to follow. 

Foster carers, service providers, social workers and other professionals engaging with this free digital resource should gain a better understanding of the importance for children and young people in being supported with their Relationships and Sex Education. The guide provides practical tips from foster carers and young people with care experience.  

The Start Talking Guide is available to our members. Start Talking - RSE a guide for foster care.pdf (

Disclaimer: due to the nature of the topic, the digital resource content contains details and examples of sexual behaviours that some might find uncomfortable.  

We would really like to evaluate the impact of this resource and to identify areas of further development needed in Relationships and Sex Education. Please complete our short survey here.

Further information and references: 

Find out more about The Fostering Network Statistics

Find out more about statistics for Looked After Children

Find out more about Developing and piloting a peer mentoring intervention to reduce teenage pregnancy in looked-after children and care leavers

Find out more about research into Laboratory-diagnosed sexually transmitted infections in former foster youth compared with peers. - Abstract - Europe PMC

Find out more about the Sex Education Young People’s RSE Poll 2021