Digital technologies are part of everyday life and developing at a pace which is hard to keep up with. For children and young people, being online is an important part of developing hobbies, playing, interacting with others, keeping in touch with family and learning new skills. But we also know that for some children and young people being online can be risky. Foster carers play an important role in supporting children to take advantage of all that the digital world has to offer, as well as making them aware of its dangers.
Helping to keep children safe
There are many practical things foster carers can do to help manage what children see and do online. Here are just a few:
- Have regular conversations with children and young people about their digital activity, including digital risks and opportunities.
- Set clear ground rules on how, when and where to use devices.
- Model healthy online behaviour.
- Make use of parental controls and set these up in discussion with children so they know why and what limits are in place.
- Explore new apps or websites together.
- Keep up-to-date with latest technologies, apps, games and so on.
Fostering digital skills
It is vital that foster carers equip themselves with the knowledge and information needed to help the children and young people in their care to develop digital resilience and to make safer choices online.
- The Fostering Network has worked with online safety experts Internet Matters to develop Fostering Digital Skills, a free online course that can be accessed as four self-directed online learning modules that you can complete in your own time. You can start the course straight away by accessing the online learning modules.
- Internet Matters have developed an Inclusive Digital Safety hub with advice for supporting children and young people with care experience. From setting up parental controls to specific information on risks and issues, these resources are a great place to start.
- If you want to start a conversation about digital safety but don't know where to begin, there are loads of great resources available.
- - The Digital Passport - a communication tool designed to get foster carers and children talking about the issues that matter most to them.
- - Lego Build and Talk - six 'adventures' to help caregivers talk with their children about key online safety topics through the joy of LEGO play.
How we can help foster carers
- Our advice lines provide confidential, independent and impartial advice for foster carers in the UK.
- Our members also have exclusive access to our online community where you can log in to share your experience and get advice from other foster carers.